Products delivered

Products that we delivered during my career, by no means exhaustive (we = the teams and organizations I was part of during my career)

Clients worked for

The clients and their brands I worked for during my IT career In rough chronological order


Please no soliciting! Only contact attempts regarding my potential efforts supporting your needs will be rewarded Reach me (connect request / inmail) through Of course a detailed resume in pdf format can be provided  

About me

“You want to build a team that creates a lasting product? Ask Rob to join!” (Patrick Hypscher BSH group intrapeneur) If you need help building a shop from scratch or to take it to the next level look no further. Give me abare patch of land with a rough but clear-sighted goal on what you your customers desire and I’ll help you set it up successfully.  If you’re looking for a shopkeeper to finetune the existing routing or to manage the existing daily show, please keep looking, that is not my thing. Over the past 25 years I have gathered the experiences that make me into a knowledgeable conductor, able to oversee the complete IT playing field. I talk all languages and by doing so can build bridges from the below ground-level all the way up to C-level, stretchin